Hydrocynus goliath
Maximum Length: Up to 5 feet
Maximum Weight: Up to 154 pounds
A True Goliath: When your name is "Goliath," you'd better be one humongous, ferocious creature, and the goliath tigerfish definitely lives up to its moniker. A native of the Congo River basin, the Lualaba River, Lake Upemba and Lake Tanganyika in Africa, it's the largest member of the tigerfish clan, a genus of fierce predators with protruding, daggerlike teeth. The biggest one on record was nearly 5 feet long and weighed 154 pounds, the equivalent of a super-welterweight prizefighter. And it outclasses other African game fish in speed and power.
No Fear: Locals say it's the only fish that doesn't fear the crocodile and that it actually eats smaller ones. It's also been known to attack humans in rare instances. It's so lightning quick and forceful that not only will it snap an angler's line, but it will sometimes make off with his or her tackle. No wonder one fishing safari promoter requires clients read a cautionary treatise on the goliath before agreeing to a fishing trip.
Slice and Dice: The goliath tigerfish likes turbulent waters, where fish who are less powerful swimmers struggle against the current, rendering them vulnerable to attack. It has excellent eyesight and the ability to sense low-frequency vibrations emitted by prey. It generally circles the unlucky fish before striking with the brutality of a piranha. The goliath has been known to pounce on a 60-pound catfish and literally slice it in half. Scary, huh? The goliath's lifespan in the wild is uncertain, but they've lasted 10 to 15 years in captivity.
Jeremy Wade's Tips for Catching Goliath Tigerfish: "(The goliath tigerfish) can take a bait and spit it out so fast from its bony mouth, that it is exceptionally difficult to hook. Most fish that take a bait will escape, often after just a few seconds. And if you've been waiting hours or days for a take, that is such a demoralizing experience."
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